November 3, 2012

Betta Fish Food (Nutritional Content)

Mosquito larvae

Protein                 15.58%
Dry protein         48.96%
Moisture             68.18%
Fat                          7.81%
Fiber                      3.46%
Ash                        1.4%

Blood worms
Protein                 10.5%
Dry protein         69%
Moisture             84.8%
Fat                          2%
Ash                        7%

Tubifex worms (Silk worms)
Protein                 48%
Moisture             (unknown)
Fat                          21%
Glicogen              7%
Organic acid        1%
Nucleid acid        1%

Protein                 5%
Dry protein         45.45%
Moisture             89%
Fat                          5%
Ash                        9%

Artemia (Brine shrimp)
Protein                 9%
Dry protein         75%
Moisture             88%
Fat                          2.5%
Fiber                      3%
Ash                        6%

Maybe this can help you choose best living food for your betta fish. Don't forget feed your betta fish with variety of food (live or dry food).

Hope you enjoyed!

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